Football Night

Food, Fun, and Learn!!

Come cheer and shout for our Notre Dame Football team  when they will be playing with our historic rival Michigan State University, while watching the game LIVE ON SCREEN on campus with your fellow friends.  PIZZA will be provided, please bring snacks or drinks to share. If you want further more to know about the rules and techniques of the games, come earlier to learn and practice with your fellow friends at 7:00 p.m on the same day.  We are sure it will be a lot of fun.

This Saturday, NSH 184

Student Spotlight – Nirupama Sensharma

Nominations for next month’s student spotlight can be made here.

Nirupama is a third year working with Umesh Garg in the Experimental Nuclear Physics division. She uses gamma spectroscopy to study the exotic phenomena exhibited by triaxial nuclei. She is currently investigating the rare process of wobbling in triaxial nuclei in A~130 region as well as looking for different regions in the nuclear chart where triaxiality (and hence wobbling) is expected.  Nirupama came to the University of Notre Dame from India, but has never felt out of place thanks to the friendly and helpful atmosphere.  One of her most exciting accomplishments thus far includes selection for the 2017 cohort of the NSF sponsored training program Social Responsibilities of Researchers (SRR) in the Reilly Center. As a part of SRR, she will design a website  to introduce the non-science population to the basic applications of Nuclear physics.

Chipotle and Posters

flyer for poster workshop
flyer for poster workshop
Do you like Chipotle? Do you enjoy supporting GPS by eating Chipotle? Do you want to learn how to make and present a better poster? 
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are in luck tomorrow! From 4-5 PM in Nieuwland Science Hall 202 we will have a workshop about how to design effective posters and discuss tips on presenting posters. Then from 5-9 PM, the GPS conference will be having a fundraiser at the Eddy Street Chipotle. If you join us at Chipotle and show this flyer with your purchase (either printed or on your phone), the GPS conference will receive 50% of the profits!!! Don’t miss this chance to support GPS by eating burritos because they don’t come around often. 
Also, if you love Chipotle but hate long lines, you can participate in the fundraiser by ordering online IF you pay for your order in store and show the flyer.

Welcome Back BBQ!!!

The start of the school year doesn’t have to be all doom and gloomJoin us for the GPS welcome back BBQ! The BBQ will be held on Labor Day, September 4th, starting at 4 PM at Rum Village Park Pavilion 2!

RSVPs are not required but we encourage everyone to sign up here! Please bring a dish to pass. GPS will be providing burgers and hot dogs, in addition to some beverages.

Due to Indiana’s crazy regulations on alcohol at events, we will not be allowed to have alcohol at this BBQ. Please don’t bring any.

If you need a ride to the BBQ you can use this link to sign up for a carpool. If you are willing to drive, please add your name to the list and how many spots you have available for people to sign up.

Student Spotlight – Jason Wiggins

Jason Wiggins
Nominations for next month’s student spotlight can be made here.

Jason is a seventh year working with Peter Garnavich. His research strives to better understand the characteristics of isolated galaxies in underdense regions of the universe and how they compare to galaxies in higher density regions. He previously worked at American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Jason is a self-proclaimed “science fiction enthusiast,” so much so that he sometimes trips over all his books.  Upon graduating from the University of Notre Dame, he is looking forward to continuing his research as a Post-Doc.