Do you like Chipotle? Do you enjoy supporting GPS by eating Chipotle? Do you want to learn how to make and present a better poster?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are in luck tomorrow! From 4-5 PM in Nieuwland Science Hall 202 we will have a workshop about how to design effective posters and discuss tips on presenting posters. Then from 5-9 PM, the GPS conference will be having a fundraiser at the Eddy Street Chipotle. If you join us at Chipotle and show this flyer with your purchase (either printed or on your phone), the GPS conference will receive 50% of the profits!!! Don’t miss this chance to support GPS by eating burritos because they don’t come around often.
Also, if you love Chipotle but hate long lines, you can participate in the fundraiser by ordering online IF you pay for your order in store and show the flyer.